Happy Address | Vacation Rentals

What to do about COVID-19

Written by Happy Address | Mar 19, 2020 10:26:30 PM


If you are visiting Riviera Maya, surely you have heard about the prevention measures against COVID-19 in Mexico. Riviera Maya is one of the principal touristic destinations in the country, for that reason, the government of Quintana Roo has taken protocols and measurements to prevent the virus infection.  

 Although COVID-19 is not a lethal virus, it spreads very easily and quick, making it highly contagious, each infected person can transmit the virus to between 1.4 and 2.5 people even before the symptoms appear. That is why the following prevention measures are very important.


Modes of transmission and precautions

The main mode of transmission is orally from person to person, so when someone infected coughs or sneezes, you are in danger of contagion if you are very close to them. You can also get the virus if the secretions produced by coughing or sneezing fall on an object. If you touch the surface of that object contaminated and then you touch your eyes, nose or mouth, the virus can quickly enter your system.


Reducing the risk of contagion

The principal prevention measure is avoiding crowds. The symptoms are not perceptible until eleven days after you get the virus, therefore in public spaces, one person might look completely healthy and still be carrying the virus.


Basic prevention measures:

1. Maintain social distancing, at least one-meter distance between yourself and anyone else.  

2. Avoid physical contact when greeting. 

3. Wash your hands frequently, using soap and water or an alcohol-based hand rub. 

4. Cover your mouth and nose with your bent elbow or use a disposable tissue when you cough or sneeze. 

5. Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with your unwashed hands. 

6. Stay informed, keep calm and follow official advice.


COVID-19 in Riviera Maya

If you are in Riviera Maya or you are about to travel there, remember being informed through official sites about the Mexican government decisions about Coronavirus.  

At the moment, hotels, hostels, and rooms will remain open, therefore we invite you to consult with your host about the preventive measures to be taken in a particular way in the event of this contingency. 

 If you want more information about the decisions taken in Riviera Maya, we invite you to visit the official website of the Health Secretary of Quintana Roo: https://qroo.gob.mx/ 

If you have any symptoms such as fever, tiredness, dry cough or difficulty breathing, keep calm and contact the Epidemiological and Health Intelligence Unit (UIES) 800 00 44 800. 

If you are a foreigner, we invited you to check the official website of your country embassy.