Happy Address | Vacation Rentals

Ways to help the environment when you travel

Written by Happy Address | Jul 20, 2023 10:48:01 PM

With the increasing pollution and exploitation of natural resources, it is becoming more urgent to embrace sustainable practices to minimize damage to our common home: our beautiful planet Earth. That's why, when traveling, we must be concerned and take action on how to make our journey sustainable and environmentally friendly.

Be an eco-friendly traveler

One of the most significant ways to make our journey sustainable is by practicing responsible tourism, which involves minimizing negative impacts on the ecosystem, economy, society, and culture of the visited destination. This applies not only from the traveler's perspective but also from the perspective of businesses involved in the provision and promotion of tourism services.
In order to help the environment during your next vacation, we share some recommendations for you to consider when planning your trip:

1.    Optimize fuel usage by choosing transportation options that will take you to your destination. Remember, public transportation is the most eco-friendly way to travel.

2.    Use electronic devices to reduce paper consumption and avoid generating more waste. Don't forget that there are many apps available to have tickets, reservations, or maps at your fingertips.

3.    Choose sustainable accommodation. Renting an apartment is always better than staying in a hotel chain that generates excessive pollution.

4.    Avoid wasting energy in your accommodation. For example, don't leave the air conditioning on when you're not in the room.

5.    Avoid single-use plastics. There are many ways to do this, such as bringing your own water bottle.

6.    Respect the region's nature. Make sure the places you visit remain the same or better than they were before your arrival.

7.    Use biodegradable sunscreen to prevent contaminating water where valuable aquatic species live.

8.    Do not purchase products from illegal hunting that are often sold as crafts, and do not participate in shows where animals are exploited for tourist entertainment.

9.    Walk or ride a bicycle to avoid consuming more gasoline and to experience a different perspective of the place.

10. Share these tips with your friends to encourage more people to become eco-friendly travelers.

Happy Address, your sustainable accommodation

Change the paradigms of tourism, practice these tips, and contribute to taking care of the environment during your next vacation. Happy Address is your ally when looking for a sustainable stay. Rent one of our apartments located in Playa del Carmen or Tulum and start being an eco-friendly traveler now!
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